Easter Care Team Training - Video and Training Material

Thank you for joining the Easter Sunday Care Ministry Team!

Please watch the entire video as all of the information is crucial for you to be able to serve on Easter Sunday. If you already attended the Training Meeting on Sunday April 7th, you do not need to re-watch the video.

If you did not attend the meeting and you do not watch the video plus read the training material provided, you will not be able to serve on Easter Sunday. We need as many of you as possible, so I highly encourage you to jump on board with the team. :)

There will be two questions at the bottom, please answer both questions.

You will be able to download all documents.

Thank you for taking the time to prepare and operate in excellence for Easter Sunday!

Care Team Responsibilities & Instructions - Easter.pdf
Care Team Responsibilities & Instructions - Easter - SPANISH VERSION - ENTRENAMIENTO DEL EQUIPO DE CARE PARA LA PASCUA.pdf
Easter 2019 - Care Team Checklist - ENGLISH & SPANISH.pdf
Easter 2019 Layout - Zoomed to Front English Version.pdf
Easter 2019 Layout - Zoomed to Front SPANISH VERSION.pdf
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